ACGG and ELIAMEP Publish Surveys on Albanian-Greek Relations

This morning, in the presence of experts and the media, the results of the Survey on Albanian-Greek
Relations were published. The survey was conducted by ACGG (the Albanian Center for Good
Governance) in November 2024, with the support of the “Konrad Adenauer” Foundation in Tirana. Along
with this report, the results of a survey conducted in Greece by ELIAMEP, also with the support of the
“Konrad Adenauer” Foundation in Athens, were presented. Both surveys provided insights into the
opinions of the peoples of both countries regarding their mutual evaluation, the relationship between
the two states, and other important issues.
On behalf of KAS – Albania, the activity and implementation of this project were greeted by its Director,
Dr. Thomas Kunze, and the Director of KAS for Greece, Mr. Marian Wendt.
Both KAS representatives emphasized the importance of such studies, which help the peoples and
governments of both neighboring countries to better understand each other and further expand the
Europeanist cooperation of good neighborliness. They stated that it is very important to note that both
surveys clearly show that the relations between the two countries are positive, and that the future of
these relations appears to be good and stable.
On behalf of ACGG, the survey data was presented by its Director, Mr. Arben Çejku.
Thanking KAS for their support and close partnership in implementing this project, he stated that the
overall data in the report shows a positive spirit in the relations between the two countries and a
similarly positive approach of the peoples towards each other. He mentioned that this is the first time
such a study has been conducted on the relations between the two neighboring countries, analyzed
from the Greek perspective on Albania and Albanians, and vice versa, evaluated from the Albanian
perspective on the Greeks and Greece. He clarified that the questionnaire for this survey is similar to the
one ELIAMEP used in Greece, as it aimed to provide independent evaluations from both sides of the
border on the same topics and issues. He said that such a study methodology should continue not only
with Greece but should also be carried out with other neighboring countries. This form of research and
the analyses that emerge from it, he added, would be of great help in formulating more effective
policies by the respective governments and institutions.
On behalf of KAS and ELIAMEP, the survey conducted in Greece to collect the Greek opinion on
Albanian-Greek relations was presented by Mr. Eleftherios Petropoulos, who also emphasized that it is
very positive news to see that, in the majority, the Greek public supports Albania’s integration process
and expresses the importance of maintaining good relations with Albania.
The surveys in more detail can be found in the following link:
Download – Results of poll on Albanian – Greek relations
Download – Report of poll on Albanian – Greek Results